Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Movember Photos

The Wild play tonight against Calgary at home. But Backstrom will be in goal rather than José, so I won't be doing a gameday post. Instead I'm going to post the final Movember photos from the Wild's site.

Theo is still more handsome than any other guy in the NHL, but I have a feeling he's not going to stick with this look. ;o)


  1. Thanks goodness Movember is over, I don't think I could've handled Theo with a huge Clutterbuck like moustache.

    Although I do miss Clutterstache... I actually didn't even recognise Clutterbuck without it the other night, lol

  2. Haha!! I don't think he'd ever be able to grow a Clutterstache. He just doesn't have that full hair on his lip...and I'm glad. ;o)

    I didn't get to see much of Clutterback the other night...the screen I watch on my computer is pretty small...I should look him up. I bet it would look odd...

  3. Oh, I don't know, maybe he could try a handlebar stache... that'd give me a big laugh hahaha

    I'm in the mood for watching hockey, but none of my teams/Theo is playing tonight... I guess I'll go study then... lol

  4. I've got the Wild game on, but I'm not watching as closely as I would if José was playing. We'll have plenty of Theo-watching tomorrow night though! Woot!!

  5. I was watching the game too, but then the stream commited epic failure once again so I gave up. I'll be sure to find a nice one for tomorrow though, gotta see Theo kicking some ass :)

  6. I'm seeing the Calgary feed. I read on Twitter that when they are playing a Canadian team, Gamecenter only offers the Canadian feed, because it's free or something like that. Mike Greenlay (Wild announcer) was telling Mike Russo about it on Twitter. Were you seeing the Flames feed too?

  7. Yep, Calgary feed. It bothers me to watch a home game with the away team's feed, but oh well. Could be worse... could be no feed at all *scary thought*

  8. Yeah, thank God for the internet!! ;o)

  9. He looks like a 70s porn star! I'll be glad when that stache is gone!

  10. Hey, Christine! Yeah, we've been calling him our Latino porn star. ;o) All in good fun of course. Haha!


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