Friday, November 26, 2010

11/26/10 Post Game Video of José Theodore

Since Theo finally got to play a home game, and it was a WIN, we are rewarded with a post-game's hoping the porn 'stache will be gone after Movember. ;o) I tease...great shots of some of his tattoos for those that are interested. ;o)

For those looking for the post-game interview after the 12/11/10 win over the Kings, go here.


  1. his accent is so adorable :) and he got named 3rd star too! i'm so happy! and thanks for tweeting me the result... i was unsuccessfully trying to get on the NHL website on my phone because i was so desperate to know what was going on lol twitter was the only web i could go to!

    great game, Theo! And also the guys played nicely! the 2nd period didn't make me want to cry like other times! lol

  2. Or maybe the beard comes back, so the moustache would look okay :)

  3. Oh, totally agree, miseenjeu. If he would have the moustache/beard combo, I'd be perfectly happy with that. There's just something about the moustache only...but he's still a looker no matter what, so I'll be happy with whatever he chooses. ;o)

  4. I actually kind of like the porn stache? although I wouldn't mind a little more beard either

  5. I agree about his accent!! I could listen to him talk all day. Seriously. All day. And he used my favorite "for sure" phrase in there once. It puts a big smile on my face when he says it. I said it in response to something my husband said the other day, and I honestly didn't even realize I was saying it until my husband said, "Did you just say for sure?" We both had a good laugh.

  6. He could honestly rock any look...he just has such natural good looks. I bet he'd even look good with a handlebar moustache (or the Snidely Whiplash as Canadians call it.)


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